Did you know that plums are not only juicy fruits with a unique flavor, but they are also extremely beneficial to both the mother and the baby during pregnancy? If you are pregnant and are looking for some seasonal fruits with multiple benefits, today’s blog is for you. You will be pleased to learn about ten amazing benefits of eating plums during pregnancy!

Plan Your Pregnancy Diet with Plums
Being healthy during pregnancy is essential for the health of both the mother and the fetus. A pregnancy diet includes the consumption of all essential nutrients such as folate, iron, calcium, vitamins, and so on. As an expecting mother, you must plan your diet with all major food groups. Fruits and vegetables, bread, pulses, grains, dairy, and protein sources are all necessary for a healthy pregnancy.

Plums are delicious as well as nutrient-rich, making them beneficial for the expectant mother. But before incorporating it into your diet, it is important to understand your nutritional needs, whether eating plums during pregnancy is safe, what benefits they have for your health, whether they have any negative side effects, and other crucial information. Continue reading the blog till the end to get the answers to all your doubts.
10 Advantages of Eating Plums during Pregnancy
When pregnant, eating plums has a lot of advantages. Let us go over ten benefits of the most valuable ones.

1. May Help in the Battle Against Anemia

Most pregnant women experience anemia, especially iron-deficiency anemia, which is a widespread problem during pregnancy. However, if it is not treated promptly, it could result in a baby being born prematurely or with a low birth weight. Therefore, you must avoid this condition. Plums are safe to eat while pregnant because they are high in iron, which is necessary to produce red blood cells to prevent anemia!
2. A Good Source of Energy

Vitamin C aids in the digestive system’s absorption of iron, reducing the risk of anemia. It also functions as a potent antioxidant, shielding our cells from oxidative harm. L-carnitine, a substitute amino acid necessary for the breakdown of fatty acids and energy production, can only be synthesized with vitamin C. Eating plums during pregnancy will provide you with a good source of vitamin C. Every fruit contains 7% of the daily recommended amount.
3. Reduces Constipation

Plums are excellent for the digestive system because of their high fiber content. By acting as a laxative, this fruit can encourage the digestive system to pass stools more easily, lessening the effects of constipation.
4. Get A Memory Boost

Did you know that eating three or more plums a day will help you get rid of damaged cells that impair your memory because plums have potent antioxidants?
5. Fantastic for Diets

Plums are a great food to include in your diet during pregnancy because they are low in calories. At least 30 calories (about 2 minutes of running) per plum, or 1.5 percent of the daily calorie intake of 2,000, are present in each fruit. Only 4 to 5 minutes of light walking is required to burn the calories in plums.
6. Keeping the Bone Healthy

Dried plums are excellent for maintaining bone health by keeping their density, according to some studies. Because of the fragility of the bone, decreased bone mass is one of the causes of osteoporosis. Women are more likely to experience it than men because they are more likely to develop osteoporosis after going through menopause. You can prevent osteoporosis and maintain the health of your bones by eating plums during pregnancy. They contain the nutrients your bones require, such as vitamin K, potassium, and copper.
7. Maintaining a Low Cholesterol Level

Your overall health, particularly your heart health, may be negatively impacted by your body’s high cholesterol levels. The body needs cholesterol, but when it is too high, the arteries are put in danger. Consuming fiber—which is present in plum fruit—is one of the best ways to lower the level of cholesterol in your blood.
8. Treating Obesity

Both being too skinny and being too fatty is bad for your health during pregnancy, but obesity is more difficult to manage. It causes several fatal illnesses that must be avoided. Fortunately, the bioactive compounds, phenolic, and flavonoids found in plums can aid in the treatment of obesity. Obesity prevention can help to prevent a variety of diseases.
9. Getting Rid of Tiredness

Although feeling worn-out is common during pregnancy, if it persists for too long, you risk being distracted from your daily tasks. Simply eating five plums a day can help you combat fatigue thanks to the natural tranquilizers found in plums. By consuming them, you can temporarily relieve tension in your muscles, which will allow you to enjoy the rest of the day with renewed energy.
10. Supports the Overall Health of a Pregnant Woman

According to the National Institutes of Health, plums contain the vitamins A, C, and K needed for bone and retinal development as well as cell growth and division. Eating plums during pregnancy prevents infections and supports the healthy development of the connective tissue in the fetus, while vitamin K aids in the body’s ability to hold onto calcium.
Eating Plums during pregnancy: Are They Safe?
Plums are delicious, nutrient-dense fruits that have a lot to offer to pregnant women and their unborn children. With a few rare exceptions, pregnant women and new mothers are advised to eat plums because they are nutritious and safe.
However, they can occasionally result in kidney stones, so women with kidney problems should limit or omit this from their daily diet. In this situation, it would be best to speak with a doctor in advance to find out whether eating plums could harm you or the unborn child.

Generally, eating plums during pregnancy is safe and even encouraged. Including a small serving of fresh fruit in your diet can benefit both the mother’s and the child’s health. However, it is also critical to follow all precautions and ensure that you are not among the small percentage of women who are better off without it.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is plum safe to eat while pregnant?
Plum is one of the iron-rich fruits that is recommended and relatively safe for pregnant women to consume.
How many plums can you consume in a single day?
A pregnant woman can consume 150-200 gms of fresh plums per day. You must consume only in moderation.
Can you eat plums every day?
Yes, you can. Plums are enriched in anti-oxidants and they will help both you and your unborn baby.
Can eating plums during pregnancy help fight anemia?
Plums have high iron content, making them excellent sources for combating anemia, which is common during pregnancy.
What is the best thing about eating plums during pregnancy?
The best thing about eating a plum is that it provides instant energy thanks to its carbs and vitamin C content.