A letter to tomorrow is the second book from my dear friend Swarnali. This book captures her journey from the depths of despair to the pinnacles of hope and purpose. The title is so apt isn’t it? That’s how even I felt when I saw the book cover for the first time. This cover is also designed by the author’s sister Saheli and it has done complete justice to the title and the book.
About the Book:

Title of the book: A letter to tomorrow (My learning from the days of despair to welcome the daybreak of peace and purpose)
Author: Swarnali Nath
Pages: 136
Published by: Amazon
Available on: Amazon Kindle
Book Blurb:
“Once you find hope in uncertainty and faith in the unknown, everything starts falling into place.”
When hope disappears and despair engulfs the mind, you need to try to find that lost ray of light in the little things around you. Because at that time, you might be looking for the big picture that you portrayed on your heart’s canvas. But you forget that it’s all about those thousand little things that join hands together and help you to keep going through the dark.
This book is all about those pretty little things that make your life a masterpiece of art.
Read the book to know how befriending uncertainty can sometimes, turn into a blessing in disguise. You will realize that actually, it’s not about finding the light at the end of the tunnel; it’s about walking with your own light in the dark.
Related Read: Book Review: Zero Day
My Thoughts on “A Letter to Tomorrow”
Though one can understand from the title itself that this is a motivational book, this is not like other preachy books, where the author tells from one level above and starts listing out the stuff to do to get better.
This book starts with Gratitude for being alive and then strongly emphasizes the fact that it’s OK to feel low and unhappy. Being depressed or in a state of despair is not a person’s fault, but it’s the circumstances around us that drive us to that point. But as human beings, it’s up to us to take efforts to come out of those situations.
But there is a gap between the time the person decides to make it better and wallowing in the depths of despair. This book talks about that gap of time and indicates the state of the mind of the author at that point in time. The steps author takes have come to her, not due to the counseling or somebody else’s talking. It’s the author’s sheer will and determination which made all the difference in her journey.
She points out that every human being is a masterpiece of god’s creation and nothing short of a miracle. The day we believe that we are miracles created by God, then we will understand that the light to fight the depression is within us and we will stop searching for external validation and appreciation.
You two are the same, for you two have the same story to tell
And this is why I call you a wandering miracle
From the book, A Letter to Tomorrow by Swarnali Nath
The poetic expression in the book also captures the reader’s attention and passes on the message in a very clear way. I would recommend this book for all those people who kind of tend to feel low as a keepsake. Reading a chapter or two (the chapters are really small in size) would bring the readers out of the blue mood for sure.
There are so many chapters in the book, that I feel like recounting here. But let me not spoil the reader’s curiosity, but limit myself to one more quote from the chapter “Pause” in this book, “A Letter to tomorrow” before closing this review.
For taking a pause is your innate power
to protect your peace
From the book, A Letter to tomorrow by Swarnali Nath
Don’t you all agree that it’s really a power-packed statement?
About the Author:

A dreamer by heart and a seeker by soul, Swarnali is an engineer, writer, and singer. She pens her thoughts on her blog ‘The Saffron Storyteller’. She is a podcaster at ‘Pause Breathe Reflect’, where she speaks about her revelations of life through inspirational poems. She believes words can heal the soul. She writes ‘Letters of Light’ to spread the message of hope, peace, and love all over. She pens her thoughts for many online platforms and her poems have been featured several times in poetry communities. She is a part of an anthology named “The Woman That I Am”. She was nominated as Author of the Year 2019 by StoryMirror.
You can reach her on social media at:
Instagram: @scarsandglory
Twitter: @scarsandglory
Blog: thesaffronstoryteller.com
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